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Showing posts from August, 2024

Puppet with a name

 I'm just a puppet with a brain name assigned to this meat suit.  " We are puppets with no free will, just go and do a little puppet dance for the next 30-40 years till somebody cut the strings"   puppets

Abu al-'Ala' al-Ma'arri

  He was   an Arab philosopher, poet, and writer from  Ma'arrat al-Nu'man , Syria.  Because of his controversially  irreligious  worldview, he is known as one of the "foremost  atheists " of his time according to Nasser Rabbat. There s one elegy i like from his poems in regards to life and being born. “This is my father`s crime against me, which I myself committed against none” (hādha janāhu abī ʿalayya wa-mā janaytu ʿalā aḥadin).   Your loss made my heart a bird             That swore off all nests, Days spent soaring and plunging, its wings             Swift against the turns of fate.                                                                            Death calls you by name; like a snake bite it tears             Me in half, spitting poison in my ear. You wail. I am bound to crumble by it,             As I am bound to leave my bed, though too Tired to face the day, as night passes like             Lamplight fading in the darkness before dawn.       anyway, w