Blogging is dead

"Hello, World!"

   In this day and age, everyone seem to moving toward social media or opt for microblogging as it is much attractive,easier, faster and get to the point of contents. Blogging has mutated into simpler forms, long-form content are summarize in shorter version and quick thread of words. I myself have been old user of Twitter and Tumblr and to be frankly, I never feel like wanting to try blogging. 

Why bother blogging when so many other social networks are dominate the internet?

  • who cares ? if you like typing and sharing, just blogging it. the most important thing is your passion to blog about things you like.
  • It can be a place for you to take note on something you interested in. So instead of goggle everytime you want to get answer of something, just look in your own collection post! 
  • Blog can help you make sales. It have gone way beyond just being a place to park your written content - No rules about what you can and can't post
  • Blog can be a home base to establishing trust with people for your business

I never love writing. I intend to merely improving my language and vocabulary and probably because I have some stuff to promote because I'm indirectly became an online seller although I never like selling and doing business. hahaha, Certainly the factor was all about monetary gain. Anyway, don't mind about any grammatical mistake in this blog. Nobody would bother to read this pointless blog anyway so here I typing like no one is reading.

   This will not be a personal blog. I would probably post in dual language ( Bahasa and English) about nearly everything related to art, random hippie slacker kind of post or trivia. Maybe even tutorial on how to bake for noobie. 

So blogs are not dead until I die. 
