Kitchen Organization

This is one of my favourite youtuber for minimalist guide. You should follow her channel if you are keen with minimalist style.

Below are some points I have add on and summarize best tips for minimal life. 

  • Declutter cleaning products. Reduce commercial detergent by making DIY detergent ( Vinegar + water = 50/50)
  • Cut down your grocery trips and bring your own bag to reduce having plastic bag at home. Also try to reduce buying juices, milk and minimize paper towels and replace it by using sponge and microfiber towel to clean.
  • Reduce caffeine intake as it increase dehydration and make you sluggish. By doing this we can reduce waste and avoid binge drink over consumption on coffee. Just take it moderately
  • If possible try eating 2 times a day to save washing dishes 
  • Minimize furniture, hide everything as possible. Save time vacuuming those  dust frequent areas
  • Regularly clear out pantry, finish up food that near expires before stocking up next grocery trips. By doing this we can help reduce unnecessary spending and oversupply food.
Have any great idea for minimalizing your home? Do share your tips at the comment below. Thanks stranger.

