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Making drawing with code using JavaScript

If you are wondering how code work in software program you can try learn some basic programming by using code to draw and shape things. Here is good start to learn  it s free and good place for beginner who interested to know more about coding  JavaScript, etc. Dont worry if you stuck at some steps, they got tutorial, hint and you can request help by submitting your question and other coders will come to assist you.  Just sharing my project to make wild animal, attempted to make penguin but failed, now more looks like a snow main HAHA, if anyone know how to perfectly add feet and complete this to penguin, comment below ( if else.. ) Spin-off of "Project Fail: Weird snow man"

Cat Trivia

Interesting facts about cat : Abraham Lincoln was the first President to have a cat in the White House. His cat was named Tabby and was soon followed by 3 more cats Abraham Lincoln brought to the White House Cats give love bites. This can happen when you are petting them, rubbing their stomach, etc. These love bites are not done out of anger; that is their way of telling you they are enjoying the attention. The Sphynx is a hairless cat that has the personality of a monkey, child, dog and cat! It is very lively and has been around for roughly ninety years.     this is pointless shitposting. SORRY I WAS BORED

Ana Mesh Aref Atghayer

Jika diterjemah ia bermaksud I do not know how to change, this is my kind of song #relatable 👺              تامر حسني - أنا مش عارف أتغير و حاسس بنفسي بكام سؤال aku merasakan di dalam jiwaku ada banyak pertanyaan بارجع أقول مفيش مخلوق ku selalu mengatakan, tak ada seorang mahluk pun ما بيغلطش yang tidak berbuat salah دا شيء محال ini sesuatu yang mustahil وارجع تاني أغلط تاني aku kembali berbuat salah lagi كإني باكلم واحد تاني seakan-akan aku berbicara dengan orang lain أنا زعلان من نفسي حقيقي aku sungguh kecewa dengan diriku أنا غلطان وضعيف وأناني Aku berdosa, lemah dan egois كل يوم بيعدي عليا بيعدي وينساني آه setiap hari berlalu, berjalan melupakanku واقول من بكرة أكيد حاتغير ku berkata mulai esok aku pasti berubah يجي بكرة بارجع في كلامي esok datang namun aku menarik ucapanku كل يوم بيعدي عليا بيعدي وينساني آه setiap hari berlalu, berjalan melupakanku واقول من بكرة أكيد حاتغير ku berkata mulai esok aku pasti berubah يجي بكرة بارجع في كلامي e

Alegori Gua ( Allegory of the Cave )

 Dalam banyak - banyak hasil karyawan filsuf barat, Plato merupakan filsuf terkemuka dalam sejarah falsafah barat selain mentornya, Sokrates. Beliau terkenal dengan kisah Alegori Gua ( Allegory of the Cave) sebuah cerita yang ditulis dalam bukunya Republik yang membandingkan kesan pembelajaran dan ilmu pengetahuan dengan kesan kekurangan ilmu pengetahuan. Alegori merujuk kepada sesuatu karya seperti cerita, puisi atau gambar yang menggunakan watak dan peristiwa sebagai lambang untuk menerangkan sesuatu yang lebih mendalam/ maksud tersembunyi. (hidden meaning)   Karya ini berkisah tentang beberapa orang yang berada di dalam sebuah gua, mereka diikat dalam gua menghadap dinding gua. Disebabkan kehidupan terikat ini, mereka tidak mengetahui langsung perkara- perkara  selain daripada apa yang berada dalam gua. Dengan mengharapkan api yang berada di belakang mereka, yang tidak diketahui siapa yang memasang api tersebut terhasillah bayang- bayang benda- benda tersebut pada dinding itu

Household uses for vinegar

Deodorize kitchen / bathroom drain( Pour baking soda that mixed with vinegar) Add a cup to your laundry to get rid of musty odors and fabric softener build-up, especially on towels. Microwave a bowl of vinegar and water to make cleaning the inside of your microwave a zillion times easier. Descale your coffeepot or tea kettle. Take the sting out of sunburn. No, seriously. Clean your fridge, especially the cruddy rubber seals. Boil a pan of vinegar and citrus on the stove to get rid of lingering stink. Put it in a spray bottle and use it to clean EVERYTHING.

Koleksi Lady Lofa : Sneak- peek aktiviti harian Neelofa

Neelofa dan pasukannya telah melancarkan Koleksi Lady Lofa yang menjadi acara terbesar tahunan kali ini. Dalam episod #FollowLofa episod 3 kali ini, beliau menceritakan lebih lanjut tentang persediaan menjayakan acara ini. Yang menariknya, neelofa juga dapat birthday cake Swarovski yang bernilai RM20,000 ! Hebat bukan lady boss popular yang setanding dengan Vivy Yusuf ni  Mari lihat apa yang menarik lagi dalam episod #FollowLofa kali ini

Eyeliner tips for beginner

Eyeliner is a great way to take your makeup to the next level. It can help make your eyes stand out, look bigger, or even change their shape. To all girl who are new to eyeliner watch this video for how to apply eyeliner for beginners. Other tip to try :  Summary  There are three basic type of eyeliners :  liquid, pencil, and gel. Start with eyeshadow to prevent smudging Use the eyeliner to create a dotted line along your upper lashes. Connect the dots using a steady hand.

Bahan asas dalam pembuatan kek

Semasa memakan kek, pernahkan anda terfikir bagaimana kek terbentuk hasil dari campuran bahan-bahan asas dengan kaedah masakan yang digunakan? lihat dengan teliti, zoom gambar ini dan fahami keindahannya Dalam membuat kek, kesemua bahan yang digunakan mestilah seimbang dari segi kuantiti supaya resepi bahan-bahannya terbentuk sempurna. Jika terlalu banyak gula atau tepung, hasil kek akan kelihatan kering, sebab itu perlunya mengayak campuran bahan - bahan kering (tepung/serbuk koko/gula/serbuk penaik) sebelum diadun untuk menapis ketulan halus dan mendapatkan struktur kek yang mulus, halus dan cantik. ASAS BAHAN UNTUK MEMBUAT KEK Antara bahan wajib yang perlu ada dalam setiap resepi membuat sebarang jenis kek:  Tepung gandum + telur + susu + gula + mentega t u je bahan asas yang mesti ada ? senangkan buat kek, of course la perlu ada bahan penambah lain juga untuk menambah rasa   😀 kalau malas nak buat kek, boleh cuba bakar kek guna microwave. resepi ini 10


Are you a fan of hello kitty ? Check out this adorable hello kitty merchandise at  We have hello kitty shoes for girls, water bottle, make up organizer and hello kitty pillow blanket. Don't miss out our latest promotion for all merchandise item as the stocks is limited. Now with 30 % discount and free shipping with purchase more than 2 items. 


     After a long research since 18 on forum, blogs, reddit, youtube and hop on article relate to the this ASD, I decide to take another ( probably sixth times) to do authentic online test. As suspected, my score still higher and indicate a high probability of having Asperger link to the result taken: i still cant fathom some aspie who proud on having this syndrome, all my life have been hellish and odd. My favourite forum about asd use to be  but now im more active   here To my fellow like minded suspected ASD, If you think that you  might  have ASD but don't want to commit to the time and expense of a full evaluation, there are a number of tests online that can give you a somewhat reliable estimate of the chance that you have ASD. Some of the better-known ones are: The  Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ)   Scores above 32 on this 50-question test indicate a high p

Kitchen Organization

This is one of my favourite youtuber for minimalist guide. You should follow her channel if you are keen with minimalist style. Below are some points I have add on and summarize best tips for minimal life.  Declutter cleaning products. Reduce commercial detergent by making DIY detergent ( Vinegar + water = 50/50) Cut down your grocery trips and bring your own bag to reduce having plastic bag at home. Also try to reduce buying juices, milk and minimize paper towels and replace it by using sponge and microfiber towel to clean. Reduce caffeine intake as it increase dehydration and make you sluggish. By doing this we can reduce waste and avoid binge drink over consumption on coffee. Just take it moderately If possible try eating 2 times a day to save washing dishes  Minimize furniture, hide everything as possible. Save time vacuuming those  dust frequent areas Regularly clear out pantry, finish up food that near expires before stocking up next grocery trips. By doing this we ca

Minimalism : Less is more

" Less is more" this phrase is originated from the Robert Browning poem "Andrea del Sarto" that also called "The Faultless Painter" which was published in 1855. What is minimalism about?  Minimalism is about simplicity. It's a way to escape the excesses of the world such as consumerism, material possessions, unnecessary debt, distractions and noise. It's not about owning a little as possible, being vegan or having white room but to eschewing the non -essential and focus on what's truly important, that give life more meaning, joy and value.  Living a minimal life have many benefits to those who living it.  It’s lower in stress. It’s less expensive and less debt. It’s less cleaning and maintaining. It’s more enjoyable. There’s more room for creating, for loved ones, for peace, for doing the things that give you joy. There’s more time for getting healthy. It’s more sustainable and easier to organize. What i like more about minimal life is i c

Another Day

Everyday she takes a morning bath, she wets her hair, wraps a towel round her as she heading for the bedroom chair,  It's just another day. Slippin into stockings Steppin into shoes, Dippin in the pocket of her raincoat, It's just another day. At the office where the paper grow she takes a break,  Drink another coffee and she finds it hard to stay awake, So sad, so sad,  sometimes she feels so sad alone in her apartment she would dwell til the man of her dreams comes to break the spell Ah.. stay,  dont stand her up then he comes and he stays but he leaves the next day.. so sad as she posts another letter to the sound of five,  people gather round her and she finds it hard to stay alive ah ha ha stay alive, need to stay alive ah, it just another day it just another day why i cant stay in present